Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Change by in China

No. China Is Not Going To Collapse... Yet 

The Communist Party can fall in a few ways. The Marxist way is for industrial workers without urban benefits to demand them and start a revolution. The second is for the new middle class to get tired of authoritarianism. The most likely way is for someone or some faction within the Communist Party decides they want change and move against leadership.

How US health care rates and its future

Watch "What experts say about who has the world's best health-care system | Opinion" on YouTube

Ideally, employee owned and controlled cooperatives would include doctors to provide health care to members and their families.

For now, a subsidized public option and Medicare Part E would replace Medicaid and parts of Obama care. Fund it by a broad based tax on employers, revoke pre-existing condition rules and automatically enroll those denied into the public option.

Of course, Medicare B&D, Medicare C,  Medicaid, ACA, FEHBP and private insurance are moving to fusion. My doctor is in Kaiser, which takes all the above payers. You can go from program to program in the same system.

The real future of work

Watch "What's The Future Of Work In The United States?" on YouTube

Management likes to OWN their employees. Capitalism is authoritarian system marked by paid obedience rather than a free exchange of services for money.

The only way out is cooperative or worker corporate ownership. This should also include cooperative finance - a bit more integrated than credit unions, cooperative purchasing where feasible, cooperative housing, education, medicine and human services should the members so choose. They implicitly make these choices now. If such choices were explicit, they might be made differently.

Workers need to demand this. Management will not ask nicely. If tried it may work and if so, this will be the future of the workplace - and not just here.