Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mass ownership of rental property should be illegal: a rant.

This system was about to crash and started to do so until the pandemic bailout, where Pelosi and Mnuchin (a huge private equity slumlord) kept people in homes, while the Fed stabilized the bonds.

Eventually, supply and demand will kill AirBNB that cannot adapt. The question is whether we can force bailouts to include sales to tenants at the bottom-basement prices.

The ultimate answer is employee-owned firms that also provide apartments to younger workers (and student interns - summer associates even) and will finance homes for worker-owners later in their careers. If you own the company store and bank, it's not usury. Homes, transit and workplaces would be better designed (smart growth models) in walkable communities.

The key is to have such systems ready when, not if, the current system crashes for the last time.

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